Hcitaly August 2022

  • 5 participants
  • 5 discussions

Borsa di dottorato al Politecnico di Milano - Interfacce Conversazionali per il Web
by Maristella Matera
2 years

Call for talks: IxDA's Interaction 23 conference in Zurich. Submission deadline Sept 4, 2022.
by Anton Fedosov
2 years, 1 month

[CFP] - few days left - Extended Deadline - International Workshop on Intelligent interfaces and Human factors in EXtended environments (IHEX) - IEEE SITIS 2022
by Giuseppe Caggianese
2 years, 1 month

[Call for Full and Short Papers - MUM '22] submission deadline is extended for a week
by Sayan Sarcar
2 years, 1 month

Call for papers: Programming Abstractions and Interactive Notations, Tools, and Environments 2022 (PAINT-22)
by Luigi De Russis
2 years, 1 month
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