Hcitaly September 2022

  • 11 participants
  • 17 discussions

Chair di SIGCHI Italy: candidature ed elezioni
by Maristella Matera
1 year, 11 months

[EICS 2023] Second Round CfP for the 15th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS)
by Carmen Santoro
1 year, 11 months

MobileHCI'23 - Open places in the Organizing Comiittee
by Carmen Santoro
1 year, 11 months

Second International Conference on ICT for Health, Accessibility and Wellbeing (IHAW 2022): Last Mile for Paper Submission
by Announce Announcements
1 year, 12 months

Cambiamenti nella membership SIGCHI
by Luigi De Russis
1 year, 12 months

CFP: ASSETS International Workshop on “Designing with and for People with Intellectual Disabilities”
by Leandro Guedes
1 year, 12 months

38th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2022): Call for Participation
by Announce Announcements
2 years

Deadline Extended: Workshop on Designing Accessible Systems for Users with Multiple Impairments
by Sayan Sarcar
2 years

Lectureship in Human Computer Interaction Vacancy at University College Cork, Ireland
by Ciolfi, Luigina
2 years

IxD&A Journal N. 52: Meet the Authors Event
by Carlo Giovannella
2 years
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