dato che queste mail rivolte a tutti i membri SIGCHI non sembrano arrivare proprio a
tutti, mi permetto di inoltrare quella che ho appena inviato a proposito del 40esimo
anniversario di SIGCHI e delle iniziative che si vogliono portare avanti per il futuro
Credo che soprattutto il secondo punto della mail possa essere interessante per i più
giovani della comunità italiana!
Rimango a disposizione in caso di curiosità o domande.
A presto e buona Pasqua!
Luigi De Russis
Assistant Professor (RTDb)
Department of Control and Computer Engineering
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
ACM SIGCHI EC's Adjunct Chair for Community Support
phone: +39 011 0907170
email: luigi.derussis(a) <>
twitter: @luigidr
Begin forwarded message:
From: Luigi De Russis <luigi.derussis(a)POLITO.IT>
Subject: SIGCHI Futures: Reflection and Action
Date: 14 April 2022 at 17:37:41 CEST
Resent-From: <d025734(a)>
Reply-To: Luigi De Russis <luigi.derussis(a)POLITO.IT>
Dear SIGCHI members,
We would like to share some upcoming events and updates in celebration of SIGCHI’s 40th
1. Open Session: Imagining SIGCHI Futures
SIGCHI is turning 40 this year! This milestone gives us an opportunity to not only
celebrate and reflect on how far HCI has come as a field but also imagine potential future
trajectories. In this online open session, we will take stock of SIGCHI’s past and present
and envision how it might evolve over the next few decades along the dimensions the
community cares about most, such as infrastructures for mentorship, sustainability,
accessibility, among others. This will be a precursor to our SIGCHI Turns 40 SIG at CHI
2022, where we will continue to develop aspirations and, importantly, concrete avenues
towards a thriving SIGCHI community.
Friday, April 22 @12pm UTC (in your time zone
<>) Zoom
Monday, April 25 @11:59pm UTC (in your time zone
<>) Zoom
2. Futuring SIGCHI Committee
To sustain discussions around SIGCHI’s 40th, the open session and the SIG will inform the
workings of the new Futuring SIGCHI Committee. This committee aims to be a sandbox for
(those who self-identify as) early-career professionals to create creative,
well-motivated, public-facing pilot projects that help address community challenges and
set SIGCHI up for better, stronger futures. Members will be able to iterate on and expand
successful pilots to eventually integrate them into SIGCHI structures and long-term
practices. You can read more about the committee on our Medium blog post
If you are interested in joining the Futuring SIGCHI Committee, let us know by completing
the open call on our Submittable form
Feel free to reach out to sigchi-4all(a) <> if you
have any questions or suggestions!
All the best,
Luigi De Russis (Adjunct Chair for SIGCHI Community Support)
Naveena Karusala (Chair, Futuring SIGCHI Committee)
On behalf of the SIGCHI Executive Committee
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