[Apologies for cross-posting]
XVIII Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS
15-16 October 2021, Trento
Call for Papers
Track in Human Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence
In a world in which ever more information systems drawing upon machine learning techniques
and optimization algorithms become part of everyday life, machine learning contributes to
interaction design and execution, often by focusing on specific user behaviors; the aim is
to create new systems based on Artificial Intelligence: the AI-s. With respect to users
that already have a clear understanding of the functionality and the outputs of
traditional systems, a user, interacting with an AI-s, could be different expectations of
what the system actually offers. AI-s usually have dynamic behaviors, which often confound
users until users prefer to substitute the system or in some cases to refuse them. AI-s
often has a tendency to sudden changes of attitude or behavior: they vary in capabilities
and interaction paradigms, impacting user engagement and usability. It is not difficult
finding examples of AI-s failures that damage users, ranging from "soft" (e.g.,
autocompletion errors) to "hard" situations in which users cannot effectively
understand or control an AI-s (e.g., collaboration with semi-autonomous cars). Successful
AI-s strengthen the tie to Human Computer Interaction (HCI) by creating a demand for new
and better interaction. Usable AI-s might be realized by teams composed of HCI researchers
employing AI techniques as well as AI researchers applying HCI methodologies, and not
only! Despite the acknowledgment of equal importance of the usage of AI techniques and HCI
methodologies, their balance in the realization of AI-s is more ideal than practice, since
traditionally both AI techniques and HCI methodologies have been addressed by two distinct
communities – Human-Computer Interaction and Artificial intelligence – using different
processes, methods, and tools. Also, in recent years we have witnessed the emergence of
new research topics in the borders between HCI and AI, such as Human-Based Computation
(HBC) and Augmented Intelligence, i.e., problems in which humans and machines work
together towards solving a common goal, either where the machine is assisted by humans
(HBC) or the humans are assisted by the machines (Augmented Intelligence). Also, the
intersection of HCI and AI is an emerging field of research, devoted mostly to Intelligent
User Interfaces, i.e., interfaces developed using the approaches from HCI and the tools
from AI, most notably Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. This track aims to
bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, and research scholars to exchange
and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of the usage of HCI and AI
within the realization of AI-s, as well as experiences in related field in between, such
as HBC or Augmented Intelligence. It also provides an interdisciplinary platform for
researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent
innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered within the
realization of AI-s, in order to identify shared purposes and improving a mutual
understanding for the next generation of researchers and system builders in the growing
field of HCI&AI.
Track Main Topics
Topics include (but are not limited to):
- Human Computer Interaction
- Artificial Intelligence
- Human-based Computation
- Augmented Intelligence
- Intelligent User Interface
- Conversational User Interface
- Intelligent Data Visualization
- AI Methods for Adaptive User Interface
Important Dates
- Deadline for full paper submission: May 28, 2021
- Notification of acceptance: July 22, 2021
- Final paper submission: August 30, 2021
- Final notification of acceptance: September 11, 2021
- Conference: October 15-16, 2021
Submission guidelines
Submissions will be evaluated through a double-blind peer-review process. Track chairs
will select reviewers and ensure the anonymity of the review process.
Authors are encouraged to seek guidance from Track Chairs prior submitting the paper. We
encourage authors to submit an abstract (no more than 2000 words, providing information
about the research aim, the theoretical framework and/or theories applied, the research
methods, and the main/expected findings with potential implications, including a few
references) to receive feedbacks by the Track Chairs before full paper submission.
The page limit for a full paper (where the abstract in this case needs to include no more
than 250 words) is equal to 12 pages (excluding references)
More information about submission:
Track Co-Chairs
- Tania Di Mascio, DISIM University of L’Aquila (Italy)
- Luigi Laura, UniNettuno University (Italy)
- Eleonora Veglianti, FGES department at the Catholique University of Lille (France)
Track Program Committee Members
- Federica Caruso, University of L'Aquila, Italy, federica.caruso(a)univaq.it
- Luigi De Russis, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, luigi.derussis(a)polito.it
- Fausto Fasano, University of Molise, Italy, fausto.fasano(a)unimol.it
- Maristella Matera, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, maristella.matera(a)polimi.it
- Gianluigi Me, LUISS University, Italy, gme(a)luiss.it
- Maurizio Naldi, LUMSA University, Italy, m.naldi(a)lumsa.it
- Laura Tarantino, University of L'Aquila, Italy, laura.tarantino(a)univaq.it
- Massimo Zancanaro, FBK Trento, Italy, zancana(a)fbk.eu